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REVIEW: WandaVision Episode 3

by admin

WandaVision’s first episode had the 50s theme and the second episode had gone into the 60s. Episode 3 has now entered the decade of the 70s. We see an opening credits intro similar to the brady bunch show. Where we left off in episode 2, Wanda had miraculously got pregnant. You can see her stomach grow into a few months instantly. Episode 3 starts with Dr. Nielson visiting Wanda and Vision home for a check up. He explains that she is now 4 months along, that her health is fine and compares the size of a baby to different fruits during the stages of pregnancy. Vision is concerned about the miraculous pregnancy and her instantly being four months. Vision walks the doctor out and lets him know that they would like to keep the pregnancy to themselves. Dr. Nielson insists everything is fine and that he is in a rush to leave because he is heading off with his wife to a vacation. After the doctor leaves Vision notices his neighbor Herb and converses with him. During the conversation Herb unknowingly starts to cut through the wall separating their two properties. Wanda and Vision then paint the nursery and think of baby names. Wanda’s rapid pregnancy hits the sixth month mark and she begins to feel contractions. Wanda and Vision assume that the contractions are not that serious until they start to intensify and cause the house and surrounding areas to shake. Vision abruptly races to Dr.Neilson’s home for help. Geraldine arrives at the home unexpectedly as Wanda is facing intense pressure and hides the fact she is pregnant. A stoke also arrives magically and Wanda tries to get rid of it. Her abilities begin to move things in the house and eventually shut down the entire town’s power. She eventually gives birth to twins Tommy and Billy with the help of Geraldine. Tommy amd Billy grow up to become the superheros Speed and Wiccan. Their origins in the comics are quite disturbing as they are revealed to be shards of the demonic character Mephisto. Vision arrives and is happy to see the twins and finds Agnes and Herb gossiping outside. They talk about Geraldine, who has just arrived in town and does not have a home or family. Inside, Wanda mentions her twin brother Pietro. Geraldine mentions that he was killed by Ultron. Wanda notices that Geraldine is wearing a pendant with a sword emblem on it and starts to show anger. When Vision returns, Geraldine is gone. Outside of Westview, Geraldine is cast out from a wall of static and is surrounded by S.W.O.R.D. agents.

This episode deliveries on a few levels. Wanda’s state of mind dictates the state of Westview. As long as Wanda is well the community is well. During her labour the whole town felt its effects. Wanda has the ability to change everything. Geraldine mentioned her brother dying at the hands of the villain Ultron and Geraldine was seen thrown out of Westview. This shows that any mention of what’s outside of Westview will trigger Wanda. She does not want people to be aware of what is happening and its safe to assume Herb and Angnes are fully aware. They made it clear to Vision that Geraldine does not belong in Westview and that she was intruding. Those two characters I feel will be revealed to be key components to what exactly is going on in Westview. What we know so far is Wanda’s power affects everything and that Vision and other characters are forcefully playing along. It won’t be long until we get some sort of reveal. This episode followed the 70s troupes quite well. I will give this episode a 6/10.

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